Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doll Drawing

Would you like to win this sweet doll? Visit Maureen at
http://www.sweetmeadowsfarm.blogspot.com/ . Sign up to follow her blog & leave a comment. You will be entered in a drawing to win this beautiful doll. Good luck!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Auction Buys

It's Monday again & another scorching HOT day here in the South! This is also auction day, so I thought I would show what I purchased last Monday.The little green glass containers (don't know what they are called) I got for $5. I may sell them. The crochet & embroidery pieces I got for $5. I plan on washing & ironing them & selling them in my booth at the resale store. The green shelf I'm going to keep. I paid $2 for it. It needs some TLC! It's in good shape except for the ugly paint & decals. It also has 3 drawers!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Too much to do....Too little time...

I have been so busy the last few days. Haven't had time to post. Went camping last week, came home Fri., went to a family reunion Sat., to church & a wedding Sun., & to auction Mon. night. Today I'm going with my SIL to Texarkana for a Dr. appointment & a little shopping. That's too much activity for this old girl!! LOL

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reproduction Fly Screens

My DD & I have a website together & this is our latest project. This is from a tutorial by Char Sethman. To purchase these & other primitives for your home please visit our site.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pictures From My Garden

Since I was successful with my first post I thought I would post some pics of my flowers. These are recent photos. The yellow one is named Golden Celebration & it has the most delicious aroma. I don't know the name of the other one. I'm not very good at taking pics.

My first post & auction goodies.

I'm thinking that maybe nobody will ever read this mishmash, but here goes anyway! LOL This morning I spent working in my yard which is a neverending job. I also got my heirloom tomato plants set out . This afternoon I had a visit with my daughters (Kathy&Becky) & my SIL(Paulette). She (Paulette) is the one that I go to auctions with & she delivered my purchases today. I will show you what I bought if I can figure out how to post pics. LOL Can you tell that I like junk? LOL